The Descent of Darwin - 7-Day Streaming

Streaming Video

Product Audience:
High School-Adult

Pr Joe Boot

70 Minutes

Streaming Video


In this presentation Pastor Joe Boot digs deep into the life of Charles Darwin, detailing his gradual loss of faith and how he ‘justified’ by the development of his theory of evolution. Joe also chronicles the church’s rush to accommodate these unbiblical concepts and the resultant undermining of biblical authority. This presentation is a powerful warning to Christians attempting to blend scripture with evolutionary thinking.

This illustrated presentation was recorded at the 2011 Canadian Super Conference in front of a live audience.

Recommended for Christians interested in theological and historical information about Darwin’s life and/or those interested in exploring the dangers of what a synthesis of Darwinism and scripture does to Christian theology.

List all video downloads from the 2011 Canada SuperConference

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